By Kevin Gephart
Your renewal window starts now! How you execute your new OOH sale will competition-proof, and either secure or hinder, your renewal.
Every client, in the back of their mind, wonders if the program will go off as planned. Build confidence by providing them a critical path which includes dates/functions/confirmations to be completed.
1. Send a hand-written, snail-mailed thank you (also signed by your manager?). For agency-placed business, send a card to both the agency and the client decision-maker directly. If your company doesn’t provide cards, make the investment in your personal branding, and have your own printed.
2. Offer the client a market ride for a first-hand review of the proposed units. (For market-ride insights, see my column from July 19) If your clients schedule won’t allow for this, ride the units yourself and report back.
3. Provide the client a summary of invoice dates/amounts for the span of the contract. This summary will be very welcome for clients/their accounting people to keep track as the invoices arrive.
4. Offer to do a presentation of the upcoming OOH program for the client’s management team, employees, and/or sales team. It will build buy-in and pride.
5. Provide the client with the following details:
- the date creative details are due from the client
- the date draft of creative is due back to the client
- date final creative approval is due from client
- the date production will be ordered
- the date proof is due from the producing production vendor.
- the date production proof approval is due back from the client.
6. Acknowledge receipt of production materials when they arrive.
7. Provide real-time date confirming posting
8. Provide posting pictures
9. Post clients creative on your social media channels
10. Create/send plastic mini billboard of the client’s ad with your contact information on the back. (If your company doesn’t provide them, you can purchase from several outlets).
11. Provide the date you’ll follow-up with a full industry standard proof of performance report
12. Provide the date Monthly status check-in with client tracking the results/feedback.
13. Send an override report (with the dollar value) every 30 days after the program ends, detailing the bonus days their program achieved (many charting programs can tally that).
Next week: Getting the rate increase/renewal
If I can leverage my experience to help you/your company sell more OOH faster, contact me at: KevinJGephart@gmail.com
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