Why Was This Sign Built?

A digital sign does not make a bad location good.  Insider saw this digital sign in Georgia yesterday.  The sign has 1 sold face.

Digital sign (center of picture) too far from arterial to be noticed
Same digital sign partly blocked by gas station.

Much to dislike about the sign.

  • The sign is angled and only has one side.  This reduces potential revenues.  You need to think long and hard about building an expensive monopole steel structure if you only have one face with which to recoup your investment.
  • The sign sits in a parking lot a block or two off an arterial and is lost in the clutter of sourrounding signs.
  • The sign is visible from a nearby freeway only if you are know its there and are specifically looking for it.
  • The sign is midblock.  The best digital locations are at the end of the block or at a traffic light where cars stop.
  • The sign is partially blocked by a gas station at the closest intersection.

Insider’s take: This location is marginal for a static board.  A digital sign compounded the mistake.  A digital sign does not make a bad location good.

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