St John County, Florida Considers Digital Signs reports the St Johns County, Florida Planning and Zoning Agency is considering changes to Land Development Code to permit a two year test of digital billboards.  The regulations will:

  • Require an 8 second flip
  • Limit digital signs to industrial and commercially zoned areas adjacent to I-95.
  • Require the removal of 4-5 static faces for every digital face installed.
  • Permit digital billboards installed during the two year window to remain after the program ends.
  • Revise the County’s code to comply with Reed V Gilbert.

Insider’s take:  An 8 second flip is the industry standard.  Nice to see that new digital signs can remain after the 2 years test period, otherwise no one would make the investment.  A 4:1 takedown ratio is on the high end but accomplishes the county’s goal of reducing the number of billboards while allowing out of home companies to recover their investment in new digital signs.  The local police and fire departments win because they’s be able to use the digital signs for public alerts.

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