Anti-Billboard Group Announces National Billboard Buy

Citizens Against Billboards President Chauncey Sprouts announcing the national billboard buy.

Insider’s Note: This story was published on April 1, 2017.  APRIL FOOLS DAY.  It is a joke.

The anti-billboard group Citizens Against Billboards voted yesterday at its annual convention to purchase 1,000 billboards nationwide to promote an anti-billboard message.

The billboards will contain the following bold black print on a white background:

Take This Billboard Down

“We’ve been losing in court so have decided to take a direct approach using a cost-effective medium.” said Citizens Against Billboards President Chauncey Sprouts.  “We’re following good design principles and keeping our message to 7 words or less.”     Sprouts added that the billboard vinyl is made of a material which decomposes over time into an organic substance which can be used as fertilizer.

Citizens Against Billboards Board Members Deliberating

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