Outdoor Pioneer Dean White dies.

screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-8-06-30-amForbes, Indystar and the Chicago Tribune report that Outdoor Pioneer Dean White died at age 93 on September 14, 2016.  In 1946 he joined his father’s Selby, IN White Advertising  and built it into  Whiteco Industries, a nationwide outdoor advertising company which he sold to Chancellor Media Corp. for $960 million in 1998.

Here’s what OAAA’s Nancy Fletcher told Insider about White:

“The outdoor advertising industry just lost one of its most important builders. I can’t tell you how much I loved and admired Dean White. He was that old-fashioned, Mid-western combination of smarts, strength (tough even), kindness, and no flash. There were many times, in the midst of an industry argument, where he and Bill Nassau saved the day.

The Chicago Tribune article says, he was “generous, kind, and all business.” He was also an unwavering supporter of OAAA and was deeply involved in fighting the major legislative fights of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.  Dean would never let OAAA give him any kind of industry award – he was adamant about it – but the industry wouldn’t be where it is today without him. He was always there, in some pretty rocky times, when he was needed. He was an industry giant and a giant of a man.”

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